I’m Paul Adenuga, MD and this is my blog, designed to be your go-to aesthetic surgery resource.
Patient education is perhaps one of the most rewarding but often omitted part of the healthcare encounter, and nowhere is quality information even more nebulous and imprecise than in the world of aesthetic medicine and surgery. Perhaps this is by design, or maybe the idea that aesthetic surgery isn’t “medically indicated” – that it doesn’t fix a specific malady as recognized by insurance providers and the medical establishment – lends to this unfortunate landscape.
By way of background, I have been an integral part of hundreds of aesthetic surgery patient encounters and every single one has left me with a feeling of incompletion and inadequate time to fully address all the patient’s concerns and questions, no matter how trivial. Aesthetic surgical encounters particularly NEED this because unlike various urgent or emergent encounters for medical attention where the goal and steps to arrive at it are often very clear by all, aesthetic surgery outcomes can be very subjective from patient to patient and it is imperative for both patient and provider to be on the exact same page as possible for the best outcome.
Over these various encounters and from multiple patient interactions following, I ruminated the value of having a well-written guide that addressed every step of the patient experience, optimized the patient experience and addressed multiple points of confusion and potential dissatisfaction for the patient. This is how this site was born, focusing on the common procedures from experience and published data, with a thriving blog that aims to round out the full educational experience, right at your fingertips!
Trained at the #2 ranked hospital in the world (Cleveland Clinic) by world-class surgeons in every surgical discipline
Ongoing training and experience at the #1 US Plastic surgery program in the heart of Manhattan NYC
Only the latest and most updated advice & evidence from world-renown experts in aesthetic surgery is included
… And bring some daylight to your journey!
No one enjoys a lonely journey through a dark forest…
You only see what your limited lighting can illuminate. And you’re often easily distracted by any noise (in this case, flashy visuals and over-the-top claims). Here, you get what’s real from what’s fluff. And you get the benefit of a well-lit overview, as daylight does to the forest!
Multiple points of view are better than one!
Understand your aesthetic journey from the perspective of your surgeon (as well as the important elements of the practice) and get the added advantage of insights derived from multiple patients in your shoes who’ve journeyed the same path!
Do more good like you’ve always desired!
Your support, all while benefiting in tremendous ways will go a long way in providing essential and timely reconstructive care for several less fortunate patients from around the world!
Get so much more, for so much less!
With these guides, you already benefit from a far more comprehensive perspective on your entire aesthetic surgery journey than multiple consultation visits will provide – and the average consultation visit sets you back a non-refundable $150, often much higher for top surgeons. More importantly, you cannot put a price on safe, effective aesthetic surgery outcomes!