Forehead & Brow lift guide


This guide goes into detail regarding:

Indications for the procedure

Selecting the right surgeon for you

Red flags to look out for along your journey

Important details to note before, during and after your surgery

Ensuring a smooth surgery day and recovery afterwards

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A forehead lift and/or brow lift addresses gravitational effects and tightens facial soft tissues of the forehead and eyebrows to restore a more youthful contour to these areas, including the upper eyelids. Various techniques exist, with varying incision lengths and locations, including the endoscopic method. The youthful brow at rest is positioned at (male) or above (female) the orbital rim, with a gradual upward arch laterally, with the lateral end or ‘tail’ of the brow located higher than the medial end. With aging, the brow may become flat/horizontal and even droop below the orbital rim. The forehead and brow lift procedures help reverse this effect of aging and promote a youthful appearance.

Tens of thousands of these procedures are performed annually in the US as reported by Plastic surgeons, hence there’s a great change someone you know may have had one, including several celebrities with abnormally perfect brow arches. The key to a well executed procedure is a well-hidden scar with minimal alteration of the hairline.